2013 Breakout Sessions

Planning Progress and Breadth • Homegrown Collaboration • Challenging and Manageable Discussions • Daily Impact in the Classroom

Planning Progress and Breadth
Richard Riley considers how to increase impact on teaching and learning with Starz by considering a strategic approach:

  • planning with Starz accross the curriculum
  • using Starz within the ICT curriulum
  • preparing & planning knowing what tools are available.

Daily Impact of Starz in the Classroom
Craig Thompson and a group of his pupils, share their  experiences of:

  • the impact it is having on a day-to-day basis.
  • what tools the children are choosing to use, how they are using them
  • how the class teacher is managing the use of the class community space and local communities.


Challenging and Manageable Discussions
Linda Ward looks at how discussion forums engage and motivate pupils and shares:

  • findings of “The Daily Challenge”
  • discussion of delegate experiences
  • how to manage and moderate forums and topics effectively.

Homegrown Collaboration
Jo Puckering addresses how to design effective online learning communities that go beyond the provision of links and resources, exploring settings, tools and functions.