HomeGrown Collaboration!

[...] our challenge is not only to build infrastructure, but also to design effective learning experiences, so that students stay engaged, discover new meaning, and achieve the desired outcomes." (IDEO.com)

A look at communities and how to use them effectively.

Communities offer opportunities to:

  • Create areas where we deliver resources that support learning

or to

  • Create areas that support collaboration - where members can develop a sense of ownership.

This of course depends on what the area aims to achieve, both have advantages for different purposes and desired outcomes. Both can be combined.


What is Collaboration?

What are the advantages?

Opportunities to participate, share and build collective knowledge, ideas, thoughts, skills, problem solving techniques....

Though there are of course going to be different ages and abilities across school and in the class, it is possible to do something for everyone. 
During the Conference, each group at considered an objective, relevant to the age group they worked with and the learning and collaborative opportunities that it might offer....

What do you think?

- When you visit web sites with old content, broken links, inappropriate or irrelevant comments, things that don't make sense....?

Do you persevere or leave the site?

- What is the effect on your pupils if they visit class and learning areas that have irrelevant and old content....?

Are they engaged? Do they keep coming back?

Here's what we created:

Using just the last 10 minutes of each session, for the chosen objectives, making template, tools and function choices to create the start of an area that could engaging pupils:

 Bird Watch Easter Egg ELearning Journey Sort it!

Conference session Newspaper 'Welcome' Example