Ideas for using....

What is Little Starz?

Little Starz is the Cambridgeshire LA chosen option for Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS)learners, to integrate with the Starz primary school learning platform.

The Little Starz initiative is to encourage the use of the Little Starz account to share:

  • share home / school learning experiences
  • model use of the Starz Learning Platform for future independent use
  • access age appropriate content.

Getting Started

This account is for you to use with your child and a nice place to start is to take ownership and personalise their area togetherTo do this you can:

  • use the drawing tool to draw your My Space picture
  • choose a colour theme
  • choose your My Space 'screen name'

Visit our E-Safety Content with your child and to see some "How To Videos", to help make safe and informed choices.

The Blog tool also provides an opportunity for children to explore mark-making, drawing and writing as a way to talk about their home and family.  Using the text and drawing tools, entries are date stamped and show on the child’s homepage.  You could add comments to these areas too.

Blog: noun, a contraction of the term weblog; a frequently updated personal journal or diary that is posted on the Internet intended for public viewing

Blogging: verb, the design and editing of a blog;

Blogger: noun , a contributor to a blog or online journal

Have you got a good idea that you would like to share with others?