Easter Eggs

Why do we have Easter Eggs?

Notes about this area:

Developed following a creative planning session around the timely theme of Easter ~ whilst seeing how to make an engaging and informative learning resource.

This page uses:

  • The Nature theme - chosen as a skin via the cogs in the top right corner
  • The tool set in the right hand column that were considered relevant to this community for collaboration and assessment - Chosen via the cogs by ticking the chosen functions, dragging them in the chosen orde and selecting the update button
  • The Chat tool was included having seen how member usage is managed
  • The top static navigation, shows the areas of learning that were considered in connection and created as internal pages.  These could be hidden retrospectively and then links added within the homepage - navigation options were chosen using the Page Properties option
  • The internal pages - enabling additional content to be added and enabling pre-planning by hiding the page until needed are created having selected Page Properties, selecting the Green '+' sign and ticking the 'hidden' checkbox option
  • The Contribute function that offers a simple and moderated discussion forum right on the page (added using the Advanced page design Edit toolbar)
  • The Background Picture - was found online using a Google Image search for 'easter+creative commons'.  Image source: http://hubpic.com License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 - Added via the Cogs, scrolling to the bottom of the community admin page and selecting to add a background

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